für Berlin

Abraham F.   Shevack

XING Profil


2016-12 - heute
Owner at Associated Medical Writing Services (AMS) and EMWA President
Owner at Associated Medical Writing Services (AMS) and EMWA President

2008 - 2016
Senior Medical Writer
Bayer Schering Pharma


Molecular biology


Deutsch, Englisch Muttersprache


I have worked for almost 20 years in scientific research in molecular biology and protein chemistry. This included the crystallization of ribosomal subunits from halobacteria that were used to eventually solve the atomic structure of the ribosome. This discovery has resulted in the Nobel prize in chemistry being awarded to Yonath, Ramikrishnan and Steitz. See citations of my contribution at http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/2009/cheadv09.pdf, Interests: philosophy ethics and history. See my blog http://apassionatescience.blogspot.com

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