für Berlin

Konstantin   Kluchinski

XING Profil


2015-03 - heute
Polarion ALM Cunsultant
self employd

2014-07 - 2015-03
Senior Software Engineer, Polarion ALM Consultant, Configuration & Build Manager
Conplement AG (GERMANY)

2013-07 - 2014-06
Senior Software Engineer, Technical lead for sub-project in OS.
VeriFone Systems, Inc (GERMANY)

2009-02 - 2013-04
Senior Software Engineer
Intel Mobile Communications/ Comneon, Infineon Technologies company (GERMANY)

2005-08 - 2007-07
Protocol Stack Engineer in MM Team/Software Design Engineer in Integration Team
Texas Instruments (3G hardware and software manufacturer; BERLIN, GERMANY)

2004-08 - 2005-08
Senior Pre- and Post- Sales Technical Consultant in Russia
Telelogic AB (UK, RUSSIA/ Moscow)

2001-09 - 2004-07
Protocol Stack Software Engineer
NEC Technologies (UK) Ltd (3G mobile phone manufacturer; READING, ENGLAND)

1999-03 - 2001-08
Research and Developer Engineer, Subproject Manager
Questech Ltd (Digital Video Effects firmware manufacturer; WOKINGHAM, ENGLAND)

1999-09 - 1999-03
Project Manager
Information Technology Outsourcing Services Ltd (Minsk, Belarus)

1997-02 - 1999-01
Software Developer, Subproject Manager, Project Manager
BelCAF Ltd (Minsk, Belarus)

1996 - 1997
Software Developer
Belarusian Interbank Settlement Centre (Telecommunication Networks Department)

1994 - 1996
Software Developer and Analyst
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics


Computer Science


Deutsch Gut, Englisch Fließend, Russisch Muttersprache


jogging, cycling, tennis, volleyball and swimming, travelling, music, Readin, Science Fiction, adventure stories, classical music

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