
Christina   Bracht

XING Profil


2017-01 - heute
Senior Consultant
McKinsey & Comp., Inc.

2015-05 - 2015-07
Fellow Intern
McKinsey & Comp., Inc.

2014-08 - 2014-10
Intern at Mathematics Department
Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, India

2013-06 - 2013-09
Intern in the Reinsurance Department
Metropolitan Insurance Co. Ltd., Accra, Ghana

2011-10 - 2012-08
Working Student
Network office of the German Mathematical Society, Berlin, Germany

2011-06 - 2011-09
Summer Work Placement
Siemens "Energy Service Fossil", Department Projects, Newcastle, GB

2010-07 - 2010-10
Fundraising for non-profit organizations
DialogDirect, Essen, Germany and Talk2Move, Berlin, Germany




Deutsch Muttersprache, Twi, Englisch Fließend

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