für Sinsheim und Umgebung

Panholz GmbH u. Co KG Stahlleichtbau

Karl-Fischer-Str. 16
75056 Sulzfeld Zum Kartenausschnitt Routenplaner
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Telefon: 07269 91 44-44
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75056 Sulzfeld
Telefax: 07269 91 44-40
Panholz GmbH u. Co KG Stahlleichtbau 07269 91 44-44 Sulzfeld Karl-Fischer-Str. 16 75056 1 5 1

Zusatzinformationen: Photovoltaik, Raumfachwerke, Stahlbau
Produkthinweis Detailseite gewerblich


Gesamtnote aus 1 Bewertung aus dieser Quelle:
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golocal (1)

Meine Bewertung für Panholz GmbH u. Co KG Stahlleichtbau

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1500 Zeichen übrig

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Unzumutbar? 16.09.2016Geep

via golocal Die hier abgebildeten Bewertungen wurden von den Locations über golocal eingeholt.

„BEWARE, Passen Sie auf!, Attention!, Attenzione!, ¡Cuidado!, PAS OP!, PAS PÅ. I believe this seller, pan-car-parts part of Panholz GmbH will rip you off if they have the chance! I bought a heater control panel from pan-car-parts which did not work in my car. I asked pan-car-parts if could send it back for a refund, they agreed. I made the huge mistake to send the panel back without a tracking number to pan-car-parts. Without a tracking number PayPal will / cannot help you get your money back and I think pan-car-parts knows and abuses this rule. The shipping time was 3 working days, after 9 days of hearing nothing from pan-car-parts. A professional company will contact you if they receive something from you also if it does not look as it seems. pan-car-parts does not, at least not with me. I ask if pan-car-parts received the panel. pan-car-parts bluntly wrote me back that pan-car-parts received a panel form me but not the one pan-car-parts sold to me. No dear sir did you made a mistake and or can we have a look at it together from pan-car-parts. It seems pan-car-parts doesn’t care about their customers and providing customer service. Still assuming that pan-car-parts is a trust worthy company, I ask if pan-car-parts can verify the serial numbers and send me some pictures of them. Pan-car-parts send some pictures and serials and off course they don’t match with ones from pan-car-parts advertisement on EBay. I write pan-car-parts that I am disappointed in pan-car-parts’ unprofessional dealings with me a tell them that I will write a review, but pan-car-parts can persuade me not to if pan-car-parts agrees with the initial refund. pan-car-parts totally ignores this message. I turn to PayPal for help but they need a tracking number for the shipment to pan-car-parts. Which I don’t have. There for Paypal favors pan-car-parts. So remember, if you send something back to pan-car-parts, use a tracking number or else they might rip you off!! ...”weniger

1 Bewertungen stammen u. a. von Drittanbietern

Weitere Schreibweisen der Rufnummer

07269 9144-44, +49 7269 9144-44, 07269914444, +497269914444

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie lautet die Adresse von Panholz GmbH u. Co KG Stahlleichtbau?

Die Adresse von Panholz GmbH u. Co KG Stahlleichtbau lautet: Karl-Fischer-Str. 16, 75056 Sulzfeld

Was denken Internetnutzer über Panholz GmbH u. Co KG Stahlleichtbau?

Panholz GmbH u. Co KG Stahlleichtbau hat 1 Bewertungen mit einer Gesamtbewertung von 1.0/5.0
Der Eintrag kann vom Verlag und Dritten recherchierte Inhalte bzw. Services enthalten
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