für Köln

GEWO Hausverwaltung GmbH

Bergisch Gladbacher Str. 821
51069 Köln - Mülheim Zum Kartenausschnitt Routenplaner
Termin anfragen2
Telefon: 0221 6 16 15 25
Gratis anrufen
Telefax: 0221 6 16 15 27
E-Mail senden http://www.gewo-hausverwaltung.de
GEWO Hausverwaltung GmbH 0221 6 16 15 25 Köln Bergisch Gladbacher Str. 821 51069 Mülheim 2 5 5

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Flach-Fengler-Str. 110
50389 Wesseling Mehr Informationen ...
Kundenlogo von GML Gebäudedienste Rheinland GmbH
Dr.-Gottfried-Cremer-Allee 34
50226 Frechen Mehr Informationen ...


Gesamtnote aus 5 Bewertungen aus diesen Quellen:
In Gesamtnote eingerechnet
golocal (1)
11880 (3)

Meine Bewertung für GEWO Hausverwaltung GmbH

1. Sterne vergeben
2. Erfahrung teilen
1500 Zeichen übrig

Neueste Bewertungen

Unzumutbar? 15.01.2024Columbina

via golocal Die hier abgebildeten Bewertungen wurden von den Locations über golocal eingeholt.

„Leider wird sich kaum gekümmert ;( .Bei minus Graden seid Tagen in kälter Wohnung ( Person ist dabei noch Tumor Patient. Traurig ;( Dame in Urlaub keine vertretung ...” mehr

Unzumutbar? 22.05.2022aaushi1

via Das Örtliche Die hier abgebildeten Bewertungen wurden von den Locations über Das Örtliche eingeholt.

„Alert!!! Long post..but spare time to read carefully... my experience was so pathetic I dont even think of going to Germany ever again. I got a job oppertunity and I travelled from India to Germany. I was so happy but then I ended up in a Gewo apartment. I had so much of trouble communicating because I am not a pro in German language. Day 1 I faced issue with wifi connection so I called for help ,they speak German and I cant understand a single word. I begged if someone can speak in English but in vain. Then somehow I asked neighbour to help they talked and they informed they cannot help with wifi. Sonehow being an engineer helped and I sorted it by myself. Now in the house the curtains were not put up . Lights were not working and I had no idea how to make the gas heating work. The owner had said on day 1 that he will call Gewo and ask them to fix all these. Also some furniture were missing. Now I felt like a ping pong ball. I would ask Gewo they would say to ask owner and if I ask owner he would say contact Gewo. Fed up I tried to fix at least the light by myself and I fell from the ladder and almost broke my ankle. I was in so much of pain. Not even for a single work Gewo wold come to assist. I wonder what they were there for. For sucking money I guess.So till my contract was over I stayed without proper heating and without curtains and lights. I stopped contacting them because ultimately I underdtood it was no use talking to them. Now when I had to leave the house the contract said if the house is not cleaned I would need to pay the cleaning charges. So I booked deep cleaning service from spic and span three days before leaving the house. A lady from Gewo came for inspection and after inspection she gave me a letter which says the house is in fabulous condition. I was happy .And three days later I left Germany but my deposit was yet not returned. And now the horror begins. First they asked me to pay for cleaning charges otherwise they said my deposit will not be returned. I argued that the house is deep cleaned and even sent them the receipt of spic and span. But they denied saying that as per some rubbish clause the house was not clean but just swept so I still need to pay. Since deposit was a huge amount I can't do anything other than pay for cleaning so I did. After that i asked them to return the deposit and week later they returned me one third of deposit amount. I contacted owner to look onto it . But again the owner said contact Gewo and the owner blocked me. I then asked Gewo to return the remaining amount but they said I only gave amount in cash which has been returned. I then sent them the proof of wire transfers and asked again to return the remaining amount. There was no reponse by them . I kept sending email everyday but no one would respond. One thing they did respond that they will not entertain my mail terror anymore. After a month of struggle again I received some amount from them but it was still not the complete amount. Amid all my bank was charging me every month and I wanted to close my bank account as early as possible after leaving from Germany. I again started sending email and they wont respond. In the end I called b2b apartments from where I had seen the listing of this property and asked them to help. Again after a month I finally received the full amount. It was such a terror for me to go through all this. Each time I called them they would speak in German and disconnect my call and later they stopped taking my calls as well. They wont return reply to my emails as well . The only thing they replied to me in email was that my email terror is not going to make any difference to them and that it will be ignored. I felt harrased and depressed. I went through a lot. Glad I am now in UK where any tenacy is handled very well. Both tenants and lsndlord have equal say here. At least I get all services as I need since I am paying the rent. Never ever I would take any kimd of service of Gewo. ...” mehr

Unzumutbar? 21.06.2021Kunde vor Ort

via 11880 Die hier abgebildeten Bewertungen wurden von den Locations über 11880 eingeholt.

„Meine Erfahrung in den letzten Jahren: Das Personal wechselt häufig. Die Hausverwalterin ist zwar be...” mehr

Unzumutbar? 13.09.2017Kunde vor Ort

via 11880 Die hier abgebildeten Bewertungen wurden von den Locations über 11880 eingeholt.

„Hier ist wirklich nur von abzuraten. Miserable Verwaltung, Desinteresse nur Interesse, wenn es in di...” mehr

Unzumutbar? 04.05.2017Kunde vor Ort

via 11880 Die hier abgebildeten Bewertungen wurden von den Locations über 11880 eingeholt.

„Sehr gute Erreichbarkeit, wenn ein AB läuft wird kurzfristig zurück gerufen. Geschäftsführer ist...” mehr

1 Bewertungen stammen u. a. von Drittanbietern

Weitere Schreibweisen der Rufnummer

0221 6161525, +49 221 6161525, 02216161525, +492216161525

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie lautet die Adresse von GEWO Hausverwaltung GmbH?

Die Adresse von GEWO Hausverwaltung GmbH lautet: Bergisch Gladbacher Str. 821, 51069 Köln

Was denken Internetnutzer über GEWO Hausverwaltung GmbH?

GEWO Hausverwaltung GmbH hat 5 Bewertungen mit einer Gesamtbewertung von 2.0/5.0
Der Eintrag kann vom Verlag und Dritten recherchierte Inhalte bzw. Services enthalten
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